Saturday, March 19, 2005

La cuenta, por favor

Pool turned out to be cold this morning, so we passed on it and checked out. We took the second-class bus to Merida and checked in at another hotel in the same chain -- “Hotel Delores Alba.”

We walked around town for a bit today, then went back to the hotel. After lunch, we took a nap for a few hours, watched TV for a bit (we watched whatever was on the WB 'cause it was in English), then went to dinner. This proved to be a bit of an adventure, because the restaurant we wanted to go to was closed.

We consulted with our cab driver – an interesting discussion, since he spoke about as much English as we spoke Spanish. We settled on the Hacienda Xcanatun, which turned out to be about 10km away. As compensation, it is one of the best restaurants in the area, according to our guidebook.

Tomorrow is festival day in Merida, so we'll see what that's all about.

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